Get ready for the CKA examination by completing the Kubernetes certification course. Wissenhive’s course includes all domains that cover application lifecycle installation, management, validation and configuration, scheduling, networking, cluster maintenance, security, storage, core concepts, troubleshooting, and storage, with projects to help individuals get ready for an exam.
4.5 (4728) 5445 Learner
Kubernetes certification focuses on demonstrating an individual’s knowledge and skills by utilizing numerous tools. With this certification, individuals stand out among their peers and prove their capability of making use of advanced tools and techniques that can be run on multiple cloud platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GCE, and many more
International industry expertise at your disposal as you deep-dive into the research topic and sector of your choice.
Containers introduction
Kubernetes setup
Local setup with minikube
Installing kubenetes using the docker client
Minikube vs docker client vs kops vs kubeadm
Introduction to kops
Building docker images
Docker image registry
Running 1st app on kubernetes
Service with load balancer
Service with AWS ELB load balancer
Practise test.
Node architecture
Replication controller
Readiness probe
Pod state
Pod lifecycle
Service directory
Ingress controller
External DNS
Volumes auto-provisioning
Pod presets
Daemon sets
Resource usage monitoring
Auto scaling
Affinity / auto-affinity
Interpod affinity and anti-affinity
Taints and tolerations
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
The kubernetes master services
Resource quotas
User management
Node maintenance
High availability
TLS on ELB using annotations
Introduction to Helm
Creating your own helm charts
Introduction to skaffold
Introduction to serverless
Introduction to kuberless
Introduction to istio
Mutual TLS
RBAC with istio
End-user authentication with istio (JWT)
Introduction to kubeadm
Managing TLS certs with cert-manager
Kubernetes dashboard
Wissenhive’s Kubernetes Certification course will allow individuals to enhance their skills and gain advanced knowledge in administering, configuring storage, and troubleshooting a Kubernetes cluster, building, designing, and securing a Kubernetes cluster from scratch.
Who should take this course?
The Kubernetes Certification is ideal for IT professionals who are already working or want to make a career as a professional
There are prerequisites for the Kubernetes Professional, but Wissenhive recommends at least having one of the following:
No Exam Required.
You will be required to complete a project which will be assess by our certified instructors. on successful completion of the project you will be awarded a training certificate.
You will learn:
Docker Essentials and Container basics knowledge is required for this training.
Wissenhive offers this training online.
In an online classroom, students can log in at the scheduled time to a live learning environment which is led by an instructor. You can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting. Our instructors use an extensive set of collaboration tools and techniques which improves your online training experience.
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