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Wissenhive offers corporate training in multiple technologies like Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Security), Big Data, Project Management, Agile & Scrum, Java, Linux, Networking, and Digital Marketing. With our online training solutions, we help professionals to get the skills required to succeed in this IT world.

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Corporate Training Advisor
Accredited Trainers

Accredited Trainers

Earn money every time a student purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or Payoneer, it’s your choice.

On Premise Classroom Training

On Premise Classroom Training

Trainers will help apprentices enhance new skills, explore hobbies, and secure their careers by sharing advanced knowledge.

Blended Trainings

Blended Trainings

Take advantage of our instructor’s active community with online educational materials and interacting opportunities just like the traditional classroom method.

Course Curated By Industry Experts

Course Curated By Industry Experts

Focusing on high-demanded skills in every individual course to make pupils experts with in-depth knowledge training.

Training options that you need

On-Premise Classroom Training

On-Premise Classroom Training

Choose one of the online training modules as per your convenience.

Instructor-Led Live, Online Training

Instructor-Led Live, Online Training

Get trained in high-end technologies across various technology domains by our experts.

Self-Paced Online Training

Self-Paced Online Training

Become a technology expert with the courses designed and delivered by the industry experts.

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