Posted on : 27 May, 2021, 04:29:21 PM
With every second of time, we are moving forward progressively and observing that machine learning and artificial intelligence are growing day by day, which increases the scope and career options for Python developers.
Python is becoming more popular day by day, and many of us are probably encountering technical Python interviews with advanced questions. That's why Wissenhive decided to cover the top 50 python interview questions with answers from beginner level to advance level to help the interviewee to break the ice in the Python interview.
Python refers to a computer programming language which was released in 1991 and created by Guido van Rossum. It is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and high-level programming language that can be equally run in various platforms such as UNIX, Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Python is widely used for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the data science domain.
Syntax: tup_1 = (10, ‘Chelsea’ , 20)
tup_1 = (10, ‘Chelsea’ , 20)
list_1 = [10, ‘Chelsea’, 20]
Python programming language is a general-purpose programming language, but it is also capable of scripting.
The full form of PEP is Python Enhancement Proposal which refers to a set of rules to specify how python code should be formatted for higher and maximum readability.
Python Literals can be represented as data that is given in a constant or variable. Python supports three types of literal, and those are
A Python function refers to a section of the block of code or program that is only written once and can be executed any time when the program requires. A python function is a set of self-contained statements with a valid name, body, and parameters list. It also makes programming more modular and functional for performing modular tasks. Python gives multiple built-in functions to accomplish and complete the tasks that allow a user to build new functions.
The Python functions divided into four parts, and those are
Python libraries refer to a set of Python packages. Some of the commonly used python libraries are
For deleting files in Python, the user is required to import the OS Module; after that user can easily use the os.remove() function.
For example:
import os
Python modules are files that contain code of python. This code can either function as variables or classes. It is a .py file that includes executable code.
Some built-in modules in python are
from random import shuffle
x = ['Keep', 'The', 'Blue', 'Flag', 'Flying', 'High']
Result: ['Flying', 'Keep', 'Blue', 'High', 'The', 'Flag']
There are different ways of storing and managing memory in Python.
Elements can be added to an array by utilizing the extend(), insert (i,x), append() functions
a=arr.array('d', [1.1 , 2.1 ,3.1] )
array(‘d’, [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.4])
array(‘d’, [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.5, 6.3, 6.8])
array(‘d’, [1.1, 2.1, 3.8, 3.1, 3.4, 4.5, 6.3, 6.8])
Class in Python can be created by using the class keyword.
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name): = name
Result: abc
To remove Array elements the remove() or pop() method is used. The difference between remove() or pop() two methods is that the former returns the deleted value, but the latter does not return the deleted value.
a=arr.array('d', [1.1, 2.2, 3.8, 3.1, 3.7, 1.2, 4.6])
array(‘d’, [2.2, 3.8, 3.7, 1.2])
The term monkey patching refers to the dynamic modification of a module or class at run-time.
For Example:
class MyClass:
def f(self):
print "f()"
Users can run monkey patch like this
import m
def monkey_f(self):
print "monkey_f()"
m.MyClass.f = monkey_f
obj = m.MyClass()
Result: monkey_f()
Python packages are namespaces that include various modules.
The main role of [::-1] is to reverse the entire order of a sequence and array. It also reprints the ordered data structures’ reverse copy like a list and an array. The original list or array remains unchanged.
import array as arr
Result: array(‘i’, [5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
Indentation is required for Python as it specifies a block of code. All code within classes, loops, functions, etc., is defined within an organized block, usually done using four different space characters. If your code is not necessarily indented, it will not accurately execute and throw errors.
Users prefer using a python numpy array on the place of the list because of three main reasons.
Both the languages are object-oriented programming languages.
Static type
The __init__ refers to a constructor or method in Python. It has been called automatically to allocate the memory when a new instance/ object of the class is built. For example -
def __init__(self, name, age,salary):
self.age = age
self.salary = 20000
E1 = Employee("XYZ", 23, 20000)
# E1 is the instance of class Employee.
#__init__ allocates memory for E1.
A function is a set of code that is administered only when it is required. For defining the Python function, the keyword "def" is used.
For example -
def Newfunc():
print("Hi, Welcome to Wissenhive")
Newfunc(); #calling the function
The join() function is defined as the string method that works on returning the string value, and it is concatenated with the components of an iterable. It provides a way that is flexible to concatenate strings.
str = "Rohan"
str2 = "ab"
# Calling function
str2 = str.join(str2)
# Displaying result
An anonymous function or lambda function refers to a function that is not bound to an identifier in computer programming. Anonymous functions are used to construct a higher-order function that requires returning the function or is often being passed to higher-order functions.
a = lambda x,y : x+y
print(a(5, 6))
Result: 11
Multiple inheritances mean that a class can be obtained from multiple parent classes as Python supports various inheritances, unlike Java.
The shortest route for opening the text file is by using the "with" command.
with open("file-name", "r") as fp:
fileData =
#to print the contents of the file
The constructor of Python: _init__ () refers to the first method of a class. Whenever the user tries to instantiate an object, __init__() is automatically requested by Python to initialize members of an object. Users can not overload methods and constructors in Python because it starts showing an error report if they try to overload.
class student:
def __init__(self,name):
def __init__(self, name, email): = email
# This line will generate an error
#st = student("rahul")
# This line will call the second constructor
st = student("rahul", "")
len() is used for determining the length of the list, a string, an array, etc.
For removing the trailing spaces and whitespaces from the string, Python provides a built-in strip ([str]) function. It returns the string copy after removing if the whitespaces are presented. Otherwise, it returns the original string.
string = " wissenhive "
string2 = " wissenhive "
string3 = " wissenhive "
print("After stripping all have placed in a sequence:")
After stripping all have placed in a sequence.
Polymorphism refers to the ability that can take various forms, and python supports polymorphism. So, for instance, if the parent class named its method ABC, then the child class will also have the same method name as ABC with its own variables and parameters.
Encapsulation refers to a process that helps in binding the data and code together. The best example for encapsulation is the Python class.
For removing the leading characters from a string, users can use lstrip() function as it takes an optional char type parameter. If any parameter is provided, it focuses on removing the character. Or it removes every leading space from the string.
string = " wissenhive"
print("After stripping all leading whitespaces:")
After stripping all leading whitespaces:
All the whitespaces are removed, and it gives a result like
The break statement is used for terminating the current loop execution. It concentrates on breaking the current execution and transferring the control to the outside of the current block. If the block exits from the loop, if the break is in a nested loop, if the block is in a loop, that means it exits from the innermost loop
even = [2,4,6,8,10,11,12,14]
odd = 0
for val in even:
if val%2!=0:
odd = val
print("odd value found",odd)
odd value found 11
The developer implements this Model, the view, and the template, then just maps it to a Django, and the URL does the magic to serve and assist it to the user.
importing numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
p = np.percentile(a, 50) #Returns 50th percentile
a=input("enter sequence")
if a==b:
  print("Not a Palindrome")
enter sequence 323 palindrome
Swapcase() function refers to a string function that transforms all the lowercase characters into the uppercase characters and vice versa. It is used for altering the string’s existing case. It helps in creating the string copy that includes every character in the swap case. If the string is in uppercase, it generates an upper case string and vice versa. It automatically ignores all the non-alphabetic characters.
string = "IT IS IN LOWERCASE."
string = "it is in uppercase."
it is in lowercase.
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("URL", "local-filename.jpg")
def pyfunc(r):
for x in range(r):
print(' '*(r-x-1)+'*'*(2*x+1))
list = ["1", "4", "0", "6", "9"]
list = [int(i) for i in list]
print (list)
Python comments start with the # character. However, commenting can be done by using docstrings.
#Comments in Python start like this
print("Comments in Python start with a #")
The enumerate() function is used for iterating through a sequence and simultaneously recovering the index position and its corresponding value.
For i,v in enumerate(['Python','Java','C++']):
0 Python
1 Java
2 C++
# enumerate using an index sequence
for count, item in enumerate(['Python','Java','C++'], 10):
The work of the shuffle() method is to shuffle the given array or string. This method randomizes the items in the array and also presents the random module. So, the user requires to import and then can call the function. The shuffle() method also shuffles elements whenever the functions call and produce various outputs.
We, Wissenhive, hope you found the top 50 python programming interview questions blog useful and helpful. The questions covered in this blog are the most sought-after consulting programmers for Python that will help the interviewee in acing their next job interview!
If you are looking forward to learning and mastering all of the Python concepts & skills and getting a certification in the same, do take a look at advanced and latest Python certification offerings from Wissenhive.
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