Posted on : 24 May, 2021, 03:52:59 PM

Top 50 Git Interview Questions And Answers

Top 50 Git Interview Questions And Answers


Git is one of the popular source code management systems, which over 40 million people use all around the world. Whether you are a non-technical person or a programmer, Git will help users collaborate with features like task management, bug tracking, and wikis.
Git plays an important role in various organizations to achieve & manage development and operations (DevOps) and refers to a must-know technology; this is the main reason that drives Wissenhive to prepare candidates for the most frequently asked top 50 Git interview questions and answers that might help you in cracking the interview.

1. What do you understand by Git?


Git refers to one of the most popular version control systems that help in tracking changes in computer files and helps in coordinating work among numerous people while monitoring improvement over time, or Git belongs to the tool that facilitates code source management while developing software. It allows various users to work together and efficiently manages large projects.


2. What is Github?

GitHub uses a version control system or Git for providing hosting on the Internet for software development and version control. Github allows the functionality of source code management and distributed version control, which is located in Git, in addition to other unique features.


3. Differentiate between Git and Github?

Git Github
Git is software. Github is a service
Git can be installed locally on the system Github is hosted on Web
Git is a command-line tool Github provides a graphical interface
Git is a tool used to manage different versions of edits made to file in a git repository. Github is a space that is used for uploading a copy of the Git repository.
Git provides functionalities like a version control system and source code management. It offers functionalities for Git like source code management, VCS, and adding a few of its own features.


4. What are the main features of Git?

  • Free & Open Source
  • Speed
  • Scalable
  • Reliable
  • Secure
  • Economical
  • Supports Non-linear Development
  • Easy Branching:
  • Distributed Development:
  • Compatibility along with present Systems or Protocol


5. What are some of the popular Git hosting services?

Some of the popular git hosting services are 

  • GitLab
  • GitHub
  • SourceForge
  • Bitbucket
  • Beanstalk
  • FogBugz
  • Buddy
  • Surround SCM


6. What is the term ‘Version Control System’ used for?


A VCS or version control system refers to a system that registers all the modifications and changes made to a set of data or a file. It helps in ensuring that every member of the team is working on the latest version of the file.


7. What are the different types of Version Control Systems?


There are three different types of Version Control Systems. 

  • Local version control systems
  • Centralized version control systems
  • Distributed version control systems


8. What do you understand about the Git repository?


Git repository is a place in the system where all the information, data, and Git files are stored, which can either be stored on the remote repository or the local repository. These files are carried out from the repositories into the users' local servers for further updates and content modifications.


9. How do you build a Git Repository?

To generate a Git repository, users must create a project directory if it does not already exist and then execute the "git init" command. By command executing, a .git directory will be generated inside the project's directory, i.e., now the user's project directory has been converted into a Git repository.


10. What are some of the Git repository hosting services?

  • GitHub
  • GitEnterprise
  • Pikacode
  • Visual Studio Online


11. Differentiate between SVN and Git?

Criteria SVN Git
Type of Version Control Centralized Version Control Distributed Version Control
Network Access Mandatory Non-mandatory
Global revision number Available Not available
Content No hashed content Cryptographic SHA-1 Hash
Push/pull operations Slower Faster


12. What are the few commands used in Git?

  • Git config - Configure the email address and username
  • Git init - Initialization of an empty Git repository
  • Git diff - presents changes made to the file
  • Git add - Add files to the staging area
  • Git commit - Commit head adjustments but not to the remote repository.


13. What are the benefits of using Git?


  • Data replication and data redundancy are possible.
  • Git is a highly available service.
  • For a single repository, the user can have only one Git directory.
  • Git is very easy to collaborate with on any project.
  • The disk utilization and network performance are excellent.
  • Within Git, users can work on any sort of project.


14. What language is used in GIT?

Git is a reliable and fastest version control system, and C language makes this possible. C languages help in reducing the overhead of running times, which is very common in high-level programming languages.


15. What is a commit message?

The command “git commit –a” is used to write a commit message. The –a on the command line helps in instructing git to commit the tracked files’ new content that has been modified. Users can use “git add <file>” before git commit -a. If there are new files that need to be committed for the very first time


16. What is a Git Bash?

Git Bash is an installation application that installs Git, Bash, and a few Bash utilities, which are generally used on a Windows OS. Interaction is possible with the repository and Git elements through different commands in Git Bash.

17. Describe the git push command.



The Git push command refers to a command used to push the content in a local repository to the remote repository. After modifying a local repository, a push is performed to share the modifications and changes with the remote team members.


18. What is the git pull command?

Git pull command is used to merge and fetch changes from the remote repository to the local repository. Git pull command refers to a combination of two different commands: git fetch, followed by git merge.


19. Differentiate between Git pull and Git fetch?

Git pull Git fetch
Git pull updates the current branch of HEAD from the remote server with the latest modifications. It downloads only new data from a remote repository.
Works with current working files by downloading new data and integrating it It doesn’t integrate any new data into your working files.
Tries to merge remote changes with your local ones. It can be done at any time to update the remote-tracking branches
Command - git pull origin master Command - git fetch origin


20. What is a merge conflict?

 A merge conflict refers to an event when Git remains unable to automatically settle or resolve differences in code between the two commits. Git can merge the changes automatically only if the commits are on branches or different lines.


21. What is the meaning of "Staging Area" or "Index" in GIT?


When users make the commits, they can make changes or modifications to it, format it, and examine it in the intermediate area identified as 'Index' or 'Staging Area.'


22. What are some of the basic operations included in Git?

  • Add
  • Initialize
  • Push
  • Commit
  • Pull


23. What do you understand by the term tagging in Git?


Tagging authorizes developers to check and mark all the valuable checkpoints through the project progress course. Instead of IDs commit, tag names can be utilized while commits are inspected and pushed to a remote repo.


24. What are some of the advanced operations included in Git?

  • Branching
  • Merging
  • Rebasing


25. What is the Git clone?

The Git clone is a command that allows users to copy the existing Git repository. If there is a need to get a copy of the central repository,  then the best way to do it is to use the ‘cloning’ command.\


26. Why is GIT better than Subversion?

Git refers to an open-source version system that allows individuals to run project versions that record and show the changes made to the code over time and allow them to keep the backtrack if required and undo those changes. It can be checked out by multiple developers and upload changes that can be attributed to a specific developer.


27. What do you mean by GIT stash?


GIT stash takes the current working state of the index and directory and settles it in on the stack for later, and provides user's back a clean working directory.  So, in any case, if users are in the middle of something and require to take over to another job without losing their current edits, then they can use the GIT stash.  


28. What is the bare repository?

A “bare” repository holds detailed information about no working files (no tree) and the version control, and it does not include the particular ( .git ) sub-directory. A bare repository contains all the contents of the .git subdirectory directly in the main directory itself; on the other hand, the working directory is consist of :

  • Checked out copies of the project files
  • A working tree
  • A .git subdirectory with every Git related history for repository revisions



29. What is a ‘conflict’ in git?

Git can manage its merges by utilizing its automatic features of merging. A conflict in git arises when two different branches have made advanced edits in the file to the same line or when a file has been removed from one branch but edited in other; then conflicts are most likely to occur when operating in a team environment.


30. What do you understand by GIT stash drop?

When users are satisfied with the stashed item or decide to eliminate it from the list, running the git ‘stash drop’ command helps them in removing the latest added stash item by default settings. It can also remove a particular item if the user includes it as an argument.


31.  How to resolve a conflict?


  • Searching for the files that are causing the conflict.
  • Execute the required adjustments in the files so that conflict does not occur again in the system.
  • Add those files with the command git add.
  • Lastly, to commit the modified file, use the command git commit.


32. Explain about git cherry-pick?


The git cherry-pick refers to a command that helps in introducing special commits from one branch inside a repository into another branch. Another common use is to back-port or forward commits from the branch of maintenance to a branch of development which contrasts with different ways such as rebase and merge that applies many commits onto the other branches.


33. Differentiate between a "pull request" and a "branch"?

  • Branch - is a separate code version.
  • Pull request - when users take the repository, built their own branch, merge the branch, or make some changes.


34. What do you understand by forking?


A repository copy refers to a fork that enables one to experiment with modifications without disturbing the original project. This forking process is ideal for introducing adjustments to someone else’s projects.


35. What do you understand about Subgit?


Subgit refers to a tool that is used for stress-free and smooth SVN to Git migration. It is a solution for many companies and known few best features, and those are

  • Subgit works better than git-svn.
  • No requirement to transform the infrastructures that are already set
  • It gives a genuine and stress–free migration experience.
  • It allows users to use all the git and subversion features.


36. What does the commit object include?


  • A files set describing the project state at a given point in time
  • Reference to parent commit objects
  • An SHAI name, a 40 character sequence that uniquely recognizes the committed object


37. What is the goal of branching in Git?


The main goal of branching in GIT is to design your own branch and work between those different branches. It also allows users to switch or to go to their previous work while keeping their recent work intact and safe.


38. What is the function of 'git config'?

The 'git config' command refers to a convenient way for your Git installation to set configuration options. The behavior of the repository, preferences, user, info, etc., can be finely explained through this command.


39. What does the Gitflow workflow include?


  • Master 
  • Hotfix 
  • Develop 
  • Feature 


40. What is Git instaweb?

‘Git Instaweb’ refers to a script that automatically delivers a web browser and runs a web server into your local repository with an interface.


41. What are the common branching patterns in Git?

The common way of building branches in Gis is to keep one branch as the “Main“ branch creating another branch to execute new innovative features. This pattern is particularly useful when multiple developers are working on a particular project.


42. What command is used for deleting the branch?


Once all the development branches are merged into the main branch, users do not require a development branch, and to delete the branch, the command “git branch –d [head]” is mostly used.


43. What are the best graphical GIT clients used for LINUX?

  • Git-g
  • Git GUI
  • Git Cola
  • Smart git
  • qGit
  • Giggle


44. What is the use of ‘git diff’ in git?

The command ‘git diff’ helps in tracking and showing the changes between commit, commits, and working tree, etc.; Git is a version control system, and tracking modifications play an important role for it. It compares two inputs and reflects changes made in them. 


45. What are Git checkout and Git checkout -b?

  • The Git checkout is used for switching from one branch to the others
  • Git checkout -b is used for creating a new branch and for switching one place to another.


46. How to fix a broken commit?

Users can use the command “git commit—amend” to fix a broken commit. Using this command will help the user in improving the broken commit message in the editor.  


47. What are hooks in Git?

This directory includes Shell scripts that automatically run whenever a particular event occurs in the Git repository. It will help users in customizing customizable trigger actions and the internal behavior of Git at crucial points in the development life cycle. 


48. What is Git log?

Git log refers to a utility tool to read and review a history of everything that occurs in a repository. With a git log, multiple options can be used to make history more specific. Generally, the git logs a detailed record of commits.


49. What is Git reset?


Git reset refers to a powerful command which is used for undoing local modifications to the Git repo state. Git reset works on "The Three Trees of Git," and these trees are the Commit History (HEAD), the Working Directory, and the Staging Index. 


50. What is the work of git rebase?


Rebasing is used for commits reapplying on the top of other base trips. A commits sequence is implemented from different branches into the final commit. Git rebasing process is a linear process of merging and an alternative to the command for git merge. When rebasing presents, it seems like one has designed a branch from a separate commit.


We, Wissenhive, hope you found the top 50 Git interview questions blog useful and helpful. The questions included in this blog are the most sought-after questions in the Git interview that will help the interviewer make their next interview successful and help get a DevOps professional job!

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